Master Teachers
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I had posted this on a few of the other TNET boards, but would also like to ask the Master Teachers...

How do you mark incorrect answers on a quiz/test? First of

all...I red pens....we're only supposed to use

green. I have circled the incorrect answer

x(s)...but had a parent complain that their son's self

esteem was "eviscerated" by the circles. What do you do?

Thanks! Janie
Diana Explain (patiently and politely) that you need to give honest feedback to students and parents. To do less is to shirk your responsibilities.

If her son is getting so many wrong answers on quizzes, offer suggestions for study help, based on what you see as his needs (perhaps a study schedule, note-taking guide, after-school tutoring progra...See More
Jul 6, 2009
Leah Diana, Excellent advice!
Jul 7, 2009
Eliza I would think that, as a parent, I would be more concerned about WHY my child was getting so many wrong, rather than telling the teacher s/he was "eviscerating" my son's self esteem.

I don't really put any thought into how I mark papers. I pick up whatever pen happens to be closest (unless it's the same color the student was using, then I...See More
Jul 12, 2009

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