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So.. the new school year is starting and I'm behind in math and i need to get caught up. Can any one help me.
Betty Ann I'd suggest that you talk with your teacher on Monday for more specific suggestions than we can make. Math is the sort of course that requires daily work.

Do not ever let a day go by without doing your math assignments.

Many math books have the answers to odd numbered problems in the back of the book. Do some of those problems, e...See More
Jul 27, 2012
Math Teach Dacia:

There are MANY instructional videos available online today. Why not find a topic that you feel weak in, and enter it on YouTube? Chances are you might find an instructor's video on that topic.

On 7/27/12, Dacia S wrote: > So.. the new school year is starting and I'm behind in math > and i need to get caught up. Can an...See More
Jul 28, 2012
ok On 7/28/12, Math Teach wrote: > Dacia: > > There are MANY instructional videos available online today. > Why not find a topic that you feel weak in, and enter it on > YouTube? Chances are you might find an instructor's video on > that topic.

Or go to the website for the Khan Academy. Tons of videos there.
Jul 29, 2012
peter On 7/27/12, Dacia S wrote: > So.. the new school year is starting and I'm behind in math > and i need to get caught up. Can any one help me.

I just put up a math resource website for precalculus, algebra1 and ap statistics. Just give it a tour and it might help you get caught up with your math lesson
Aug 14, 2012

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