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Hi I was just wondering if I need a Graphing Calculator for class.... I'm going to take Algebra 1 Accelerated in 7th grade... About Algebra 1 chapter 7...

Thank You!
Betty Ann Daniel,

The only person who can really answer that question is your own teacher. However, it sounds like you are a strong math student (good for you!). Even if a graphing calculator is not required, it would still be a wonderful tool for you to have. There are good sales at this time of year. My recommendation is tto buy one if you can aff...See More
Aug 19, 2012
Math Teach You can also find free online graphing calculators and applets. These will let you see what certain functions look like, and allow for calculating intercepts, etc. Coolmath is just one of many sites.

[link removed]

Good luck with the course.

On 8/19/12, Daniel wrote: > Hi I was just wondering if I need a Graphing Calcu...See More
Aug 28, 2012

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