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How can I get high school students more involved/engaged in math when using a power point on a smart board?
MTA On 9/03/12, Jackie wrote: > How can I get high school students more involved/engaged in > math when using a power point on a smart board?

When you customers are not buying your product, should you find out why or just increase advertising?

I teach how to use PowerPoint for the district. At my previous school, I had an intera...See More
Sep 9, 2012
Rich/CA/Math Nice post. I personally don't use PP at all, but if I did this sounds like a much better way to use it than to just use it as a vehicle for transmitting notes.

On 9/09/12, MTA wrote: > On 9/03/12, Jackie wrote: >> How can I get high school students more involved/engaged in >> math when using a power point on a smart board? &...See More
Sep 9, 2012

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