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Help me answer this question. One of my students asked me why we study conditional statements (Converse, Inverse, Contrapositive etc.. )

I told her we used them in computer programming and advanced Math classes (because those are the only places I've used them.)

How would you answer this? And Proofs where else do we use proofs?
MTA On 9/16/12, Geometry Teacher wrote: > Help me answer this question. One of my students asked me > why we study conditional statements (Converse, Inverse, > Contrapositive etc.. ) > > I told her we used them in computer programming and advanced > Math classes (because those are the only places I've used > them.) > > How wo...See More
Sep 18, 2012
Math Teach A student taking a college course in Modern (abstract)Algebra will find him/herself proving numerous theorems lemmas, and the like.

For example, a typical proof would be to prove that cyclical groups (i.e. the group of integers mod 12) are abelian (commutative)

On 9/18/12, MTA wrote: > On 9/16/12, Geometry Teacher wrote: >&g...See More
Sep 19, 2012
MAT Student We do proofs to help develop logical thinking. It is important to learn the difference between inductive and deductive reasoning and how to apply them. This can then be used in developing science fair experiments, writing English papers, and daily problem solving. Logical thinking is a valuable skill that is difficult to teach. It comes with practi...See More
Sep 19, 2012
emily On 9/19/12, MAT Student wrote: > We do proofs to help develop logical thinking. It is important to > learn the difference between inductive and deductive reasoning and > how to apply them. This can then be used in developing science > fair experiments, writing English papers, and daily problem > solving. Logical thinking is a valuabl...See More
Dec 11, 2012

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