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I am 48 and like math. I have two degrees in areas other than math. I fell in love with math after earning my second degree in 1994. A few years ago, I decided to learn math beyond the basics on my own. Why take out a loan at almost 49?

Why pay for college courses when I can learn calculus and more via youtube and other math forums? However, my family and certain friends think it is senseless to learn math with no goal in mind. They are looking at the practicality of math versus the need for better employment. Who knows what the future holds? Do you?

I may end up working as a tutor someday. Even if that does not happen due to age discrimination, I always will enjoy SOLVING FOR X. Math is like a puzzle to me. I enjoy helping students online.

I may not have much in life but one thing is certain, nothing can separate me from my passion to help students in need. Still, it is upsetting when people consider me to be crazy or dumb for spending my days off learnin...See More
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mathdad On 10/24/13, Betty Ann wrote: > Mathdad, > > > > I have no idea whether the studying you are doing on your own > will end up qualifying you for a new career. I'm not clear > what you are hoping to do with the math you are learning, > besides some (informal??) tutoring. To become a certified > teacher you would almost cert...See More
Nov 8, 2013
mathdad On 11/06/13, Rich/CA/Math wrote: > On 11/06/13, Math Teach wrote: >> I know many math teachers who haven't opened up a math book in years. >> 35 years after getting my math degree, (and going for my M.A. in math), >> I'm still buying and reading math books aside from what's required in >> grad school. >> >> ...See More
Nov 8, 2013
mathdad On 10/26/13, Blueaya wrote: > That's fantastic that you feel that way about math and I > applaud your seeking out a challenge. I think your friends > and family feel that way due to schools encouraging > performance goals rather than learning goals. Learning goals > is what we should be striving for. The intrinsic value of > leani...See More
Nov 8, 2013
kramtaw On 10/19/13, mathdad wrote: > I am 48 and like math. I have two degrees in areas other > than math. I fell in love with math after earning my second > degree in 1994. A few years ago, I decided to learn math > beyond the basics on my own. Why take out a loan at almost > 49? > > Why pay for college courses when I can learn calcu...See More
May 28, 2014
Hobbyist students > in >> need. Still, it is upsetting when people consider me to be >> crazy or dumb for spending my days off learning math. What >> do you say? Why do you think people say it is senseless to >> study math without a goal or just to learn it? >> >> Currently, I am learning implicit differentiation using...See More
May 28, 2014

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