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My district has adopted Glencoe Math Course 1 and I need some help getting started. We didn't get any training and all of the resources online are almost too mind boggling. Any advice would be much appreciated.
Beth On 9/04/14, Jeanneane wrote: > My district has adopted Glencoe Math Course 1 and I need > some help getting started. We didn't get any training and > all of the resources online are almost too mind boggling. > Any advice would be much appreciated.

Any specific questions? Which edition are you using? I have been using Glencoe Ma...See More
Sep 4, 2014
Good teaching On 9/04/14, Jeanneane wrote: > My district has adopted Glencoe Math Course 1 and I need > some help getting started. We didn't get any training and > all of the resources online are almost too mind boggling. > Any advice would be much appreciated.

is always good teaching no matter what textbook. program, or online resources the...See More
Sep 6, 2014

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