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I am a former math teacher and am writing on behalf of "MathTutor Educational Software", a company that publishes software packages for middle school and high school math. I have tried the software, which is for Windows PCs, and am very impressed. I have looked at other software packages but prefer the MathTutor programs because they have excellent tutorials in addition to practice and diagnostics.

The company is offering free software to students at any school that places a link to the company's website somewhere on the school's website They have asked my advice on how to "spread the word" about the offer. So I am writing to ask if anyone can suggest a good way to contact math teachers or math department chairs to inform them of the offer. They provided a description of the offer, and I've posted it below.

Thank you so much for your help!

If you wish to contact me by e-mail: hata10148 (at) gmail (dot) com


Hannah A...See More

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