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I am finding the opposite of upsetting the teachers in training. They are telling me that they are finding the feedback as quite a useful exercise and that it has helped them with observed lessons when their tutors have come out from college. i have taken your point of refelection on board and getting them to think about why they are asking the pupils to do what they are doing and why. Good classroom environment is what comes with experience- trying to get the students to reflect on what went well and what didn't without me jumping in is proving difficult to resist but we are getting to the stage of a more collaborative dialogue.
Sara On 11/28/11, Declan Flynn wrote: > I am finding the opposite of upsetting the teachers in > training. They > are telling me that they are finding the feedback as quite > a useful exercise and that it has helped them with observed > lessons when their tutors have come out from college. i > have taken your point of refelection on bo...See More
Dec 1, 2011

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