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I have some questions about teacher portfolios and wanted to get some opinions.

I have about 10 years' teaching experience, from teaching middle-school Language Arts to subbing for years, directing two GED programs, teaching ESL, teaching college English and Journalism, tutoring, and more.

I've never been asked for a portfolio; but lately I've been to some job fairs and even though I have prior experience, and am certified (through the state alternative license program), I got a few interviews but no offers. Several principals even blew off scheduled interviews without ever calling or e-mailing. I always wear suits and am extremely professional and serious.

So, I'm wondering just how important it is to have an actual portfolio at job fairs, for interviews, and online. I've started to create an online portfolio at [link removed].)

Leah You MIGHT get an idea from the following short list
Dec 29, 2011

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Language Arts

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