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I am a mentor to a first year teacher. Although I think she wants to do a good job, when it comes time to do the work, it doesn't happen. We are over 9 weeks into the year and there is very little effective small group instruction going on. Management s a huge issue, so whole group is a disaster.

I know the problem is lack of preparation. Her focus has been on centers, and changing them up each week. She wants her classroom to be "fun".

Whenever we are scheduled to meet, something comes up or she only has a few minutes. I am very concerned, and feel responsible as her mentor.

I need a plan if action. I know that we should focus on one thing at a time. I also know it will take follow up on my part to make sure she is following through. I am a full time teacher so this will be difficult. Also, as a mentor, I am not an evaluator. But, without pointing out areas of improvement and follow up, nothing is going to change.

How do I handle this as a peer ...See More
Sara On 11/25/12, In over my head wrote: Some people are harder to reach than others - do you have a mentor? Do you have someone to go to who can help you reach this teacher? How serious is your school about its mentor program?

You can - if you're brave and your administration doesn't mind - read her the riot act. You can say things like "I wan...See More
Nov 30, 2012

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