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What a rewarding experience! My team teacher this year was required to enroll in California's BTSA beginning teacher training program. We just completed year one of a two year program. The program was set up because years ago, many young teachers would focus so much on working hard that they would almost isolate themselves from their school's learning community. Many of them got discouraged without peer support. Although the program was set up for beginning teachers, I learned so much myself as a 33 year veteran. I can't say enough about this program. There comes a time to honor those who mentored us by mentoring those new to the field.
mrsd I never had a mentor teacher when I began. It was rough. Now, though, it is a requirement that new teachers to the district get one year of mentoring and brand-new teachers have two years mentoring. They receive $500 a year and the mentors receive $1000 a year. I did it once, and it was difficult, yet rewarding. I received one hour's training. The ...See More
Jun 19, 2011
teachmo We often think of mentoring brand new teachers, but sometimes forget that even experienced teachers new to a school need a "go to" person as well.

I have been that new but experienced teacher in the past and wished I had someone to mentor me my first year so I could better navigate the school culture and reporting requirements.

Do...See More
Jun 20, 2011
Janine Spiess On 6/19/11, K. Fair wrote: > What a rewarding experience! My team teacher this year was > required to enroll in California's BTSA beginning teacher > training program. We just completed year one of a two year > program. The program was set up because years ago, many > young teachers would focus so much on working hard that > they ...See More
Jun 20, 2011
mrsd In Illinois, mentoring is required. So, we DO have mentors who make sure the new teachers know the "rules," where everything is, how to order supplies, how to use the grading program, and all those other practical things. When I started teaching in my building, I had the experience as an aide and substitute to know how many things were done. Howeve...See More
Jun 23, 2011

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