Mentor Teachers
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Are mentors just veteran teachers who are willing, or do they also receive training?
judy5ca What a good question! I think the answer varies. Some do, some don't. I was "mentored" by someone who could barely nod at me, let alone help. I know for a fact she had no training. Here in CA, I believe BTSA mentors do receive training. And, most important are those of us who are informal (meaning unpaid) mentors--we do it because we love teaching ...See More
Jun 19, 2011
Stellaluna I was a mentor for many years... first as a site mentor then our district moved to BTSA.

As site mentor, no there was no training. I had been a Literacy Leader for a few years before that where we got special training that we brought back to our staff... so when the mentor position opened up my principal suggested I apply for it saying th...See More
Jun 19, 2011
Teri I agree. There are different types of mentors. On site mentors are usually just volunteers who help out teachers who are new to the school.

I have also been trained to mentor student teachers--although I have not been called on to actually do this as of yet.

On 6/19/11, Stellaluna wrote: > I was a mentor for many years... firs...See More
Jun 19, 2011
meep In one district, we received extensive training. In my current district, we received training, but it was not as involved as my previous training. I don't work as an "official" mentor right now, but people still come to me for suggestions and I also go to others! We all share! :-)
Jun 23, 2011
Declan Flynn On 6/23/11, meep wrote: > In one district, we received extensive training. In my current > district, we received training, but it was not as involved as my > previous training. I don't work as an "official" mentor right now, but > people still come to me for suggestions and I also go to others! We all > share! :-) Eventhough I am in ...See More
Nov 28, 2011

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