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My Catholic school has a small enrollment, with hopes to
grow. In the meantime, we're thinking about the
possiblity of multiage classrooms. Any suggestions where
to go for help with this? Any good books to read? We're
wondering about curriculum. We're K-8. We've combined
some classes, but still keep the graded idea. I
personally would love to get away from that. Any help?
Hilbilly /blockquote>

I have taught at schools with multi-age classrooms over the
past five years. Combining two grades works great. The
older kids get to listen in on review lessons and the younger
kids get enrichment. Certain subjects such as Religion, Art,
PE, Music, Social Studies, Science, and Health can be taught
as one...See More
Mar 16, 2007
Just an Idea /blockquote>

I went to a Montessori Middle school, and 6-7-8th grade were in one room, with
28 students. I think you should be able to do a 5-6 class and a 7-8 class or mix
all middle school kids together. My guess is social conflicts, boyfriend/
girlfriend stuff and the small peer group would be the biggest problem (and
...See More
Apr 10, 2007

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