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Our independent school is going to start looking for some
new curriculum for various content areas in the next school
year. Currently we don't have a "set" curriculum, but
everyone does sort of their own thing.

What programs are out there that use regular books, not
"readers" for all levels? We have multi-age classrooms and
I don't imagine we will start teaching 3rd grade curriculum
to 8 year olds and 2nd grade to 7 year olds, etc, while all
being in one room. As it is, I feel most of our students
read well beyond grade level. I teach 8-9 year olds. Right
now we have a pretty typical "readers workshop" model and
the kids read library books or classroom books. We also do
some novel studies with books that we have class sets of.
In the 4, 5 and 6 year old classrooms we have some very old
sets of phonics based readers. The teachers don't do guided
reading groups, but do match the books to the kids reading
leve...See More
Jo Swingley /blockquote>

Take a look at the Jamestown readers, my students loved
them. I had sets that covered 1st through 8th grade. They
workrd very well with leveled groups. Thr kids at a lower
level really tried to work their way up. Jo S
Apr 10, 2007

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