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I have been teaching a 1st and 2nd grade multiage for 10
years, and I love it. But, our district is moving to the
new Scott Foresman "Reading Street" Reading program. It is
very grade regimented. Is anyone using it in a multiage
class? Any ideas are appreciated!
S. Rees /blockquote>

Considering how expensive it is, it does not provide a wide
selection of finely tuned leveled texts for guided reading.
Sep 28, 2007
Glenda /blockquote>

I have a 6th grader that struggles with reading & I have been
working with the school since she was in 1st grade & they keep
telling me that it is going to click one day. What can I do,
I just checked out hooked on phonics from Library?

On 9/28/07, S. Rees wrote:
> Considering how expensi...See More
Oct 4, 2007
Jessica /blockquote>

If she is not reading yet, and it has not clicked yet, you should get a professional
evaluation for her. Many kids begin reading at 6-8. The "click" happens between 7-9
for later readers. She is past that point. Hooked on Phonics may work, but it also
may be a program geared for young children. You need to find ...See More
Oct 5, 2007

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