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Hi there,
i posted this on the Canadian board, but then I discovered
this board! My class next year won't necessarily be
multiage because of philosophy, but because of class size

I will have 20 grade 3s and 3 grade 2s, and one of the
grade 2s is autistic and has a support worker. I'm
wondering how people cope with teaching two curriculums to
a split when there is such a huge group and then a small
JJ /blockquote>

I would teach grade 3 curriculum. I had a class this year with 3 2nd graders and
7 3rd (also 5 4th). I basically taught a 3rd grade curriculum. My expectations
were different for the younger ones. 2 of my 2nd graders were among my most
advanced students, one more advanced than the 4th graders. The one 2nd
gr...See More
Jun 17, 2007
mag /blockquote>

When you do your initial base assessments on all of your
students at the beginning of the year you will be able to
group them by ability in the different subject areas. You
will probably find that your Year 2 students will be at
roughly the same level as some of your Y3s, therefore you
will realise that ...See More
Jun 21, 2007
Kelly /blockquote>

I have 17 2nds and 8 3rds... so kinda the same.

the 3rds work WITH each other and with partners and in small
groups a lot.
they do a lot of independant work too... helping each other
when they are finished.

I use them to help the 2nd graders too.

Luckily our curriculum matches up a lot...See More
Sep 17, 2007

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