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Hi teachers,

I am a fairly new teacher and I am going on a interview for
a split class, they want to know how i set one up and
basically how i will go about teaching a split. I have very
little experience, but would love the opportunity to try it.
Can you give me advice on what to say in this interview
about managing a split?!
Jen 1/2 multi-age /blockquote>


I would talk about setting it up with varrying learning
styles and abilities together so that they can help each
other. My students sit at tables, and I like that the best
because it gives them the most interaction.

All teaching should be done in a whole group mini-lesson,
small gro...See More
Jul 26, 2007
Juliann /blockquote>


The word is "eavesdrop"...FYI

On 7/26/07, Jen 1/2 multi-age wrote:
> Lauren-
> I would talk about setting it up with varrying learning
> styles and abilities together so that they can help each
> other. My students sit at tables, and I like that the best
> be...See More
Jul 27, 2007

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