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I am a new music consultant in a Montessori school with
ten year's background teaching private music.

I am comfortable with the multi-age music class at the
preschool-kindergarten level, but am looking for
suggestions for classes grouped as grades 1-3 and 4-6.

I'm struggling to get my mind around this as my tendency
would be to have children progress through recorder,
ukelele, guitar, and on to band instruments but can't
imagine how this would work without taking the children
out for music by grade level.

Suggestions are appreciated, especially from Montessori
Leah /blockquote>

There is a Montessori Chatboard. Try placing your
questions there.
Aug 2, 2005
L Chong /blockquote>

Hi there! Have a look at this music programme called Music for
Young Children. There website address is [link removed]

I have been teaching this programme for 5 years and find that
the structure and philosophy of this multiage, multidiscipline
programme is very much related to Montessori's philosophy of...See More
Nov 15, 2005
Matilda Giampietro /blockquote>

Hi Shannon,

I just saw this old posting- how are you doing? Please visit my website at to see what I do in music in a great Montessori school. Write back
if you have questions, or want to talk.


On 7/29/05, Shannon wrote:
> Hello,
> I am a new musi...See More
Jul 6, 2007

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