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I have a 3-4-5 combo and have reolized that the 3
dofferent spelling programs means 3 different spelling
tests each week. Any suggestions on how to administer
them at the same time?

Thanks in Advance!

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jeanius /blockquote>

I was also going to suggest parent volunteers.

Another idea is to tape record your 5th graders' test and have
them listen to it on headphones while you give the 4th and 3rd
graders their test. I've known teacher who have created
programs for their computers that give the test orally while
students type ...See More
Aug 6, 2006
devil's advocate /blockquote>

What is the merit of a spelling test? What wouldhappen if you
didn't give a weekly spelling test? Some recent research shows
that spelling tests merely test a child's ability to memorize,
and that if you tested them one week later on the same words,
they wouldn't be successful - they aren't learning spelling...See More
Aug 29, 2006
jessica /blockquote>

I decided not to do tests this year. We will still do word study
and they will be responisble for correcting any high frequency
words we come up with as a class in their published work, and
keeping a personal word wall in their writing journals. Anyway, I
am interested to see what happens! I hate the hassle ...See More
Aug 30, 2006
joerose /blockquote>

On 8/30/06, jessica wrote:
> I decided not to do tests this year. We will still do word study
> and they will be responisble for correcting any high frequency
> words we come up with as a class in their published work, and
> keeping a personal word wall in their writing journals. Anyway, I
&g...See More
Sep 20, 2006
lexi Charlie /blockquote>

On 9/20/06, joerose wrote:
> On 8/30/06, jessica wrote:
>> I decided not to do tests this year. We will still do word study
>> and they will be responisble for correcting any high frequency
>> words we come up with as a class in their published work, and
>> keeping a personal w...See More
Sep 24, 2006

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