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Last year I taught a 3/4 class and it was great. In math
I used both the 3rd and 4th grade TERC Investigations
books, depending on the lessons I found engaging and
interesting in each strand... It worked well, and kids who
needed more challenge were able to work in small groups
together, working with larger numbers (like in
multiplication) while others would work with me in small
groups or have math choice...

This year I have a 2/3/4 split and am only keeping 3 kids
(who will be 4th graders)and am also getting more 4th, so
they aren't the only ones... due to some staffing changes
I am not keeping as many students as I thought and am
getting many much younger.

Any suggestions for teaching math across 3 levels??? I am
a little worried about how to do this. I am going to start
the year with a 4 week science/math simulation game that
will get everyone involved and I can use it as assessment ...See More

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