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I am teaching in a small school in Africa. THis year I
have years 5/6 (American 4th/5th grade) combined.

two questions...

how do you teach two grades at the same time...any advice??
(I feel like I'm either not challenging year 6 enough or
doing stuff too hard for year 5)

For reading/ it ok to not group by grade but
by ability? (It seems like there is not much of a
difference in standards/objectives between grades so it
makes more sense to me to group by where they are at with
their English and reading/writing skills--my background is
teaching high school--so I really have no training or
experience in this area.)

Thanks ahead of time for any advice or ideas!!
Emily /blockquote>

Wow, Africa! What an experience!

I am teaching a 4/5 combination, also. What kind of standards do you use at this
school? If they are not too stringent, I'd suggest using a Readers and Writers
workshop approach in reading/writing. You're right - ability grouping would be
just fine in this case, and it i...See More
Oct 20, 2006
JR /blockquote>


I actually taught in a 3/4th classroom. The first thing you
need to do is to assess the children, if you have not already.
The assessments would be in reading and mathematics. I had
all students in 3rd/4th reading and also divided the students
in 3rd/4th reading depending upon their results. You ca...See More
Dec 2, 2006

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