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I teach grades 5-12 choir, and help with 5th grade band. My 8th graders have been with me for four years, and I know them all fairly well. They have always been a talkative bunch. My class keeps getting larger every year because if they quit band, they have to take choir as their music credit. This year I have 63 in a room built for 47 kids. We are cramped, they are loud, and I am losing it. The principal already came in. That worked for a few days. I just don't know how to get them to stop talking and being rude and start singing! I have given detentions. I have called parents. I have taken points off of the grade for non-participation. I feel like I've tried everything. I need some new ideas! Thanks :)
Firstly, you need another adult in the room If you have 63 kids in your room at once, you can be pretty sure that there are other adults sitting with nothing.

An adult who is in there simply to monitor and enforce behavior is only appropriate when you have that many children.

On 9/29/14, KR wrote: > I teach grades 5-12 choir, and help with 5th grade band. My > 8th gra...See More
Sep 29, 2014
Vivian When I student taught many years ago, I had a 75 member choir that barely fit on the risers but the room was large enough to hold them. Some serious behavior problems at first (maybe 10 students) but the rest were interested in singing. I put a stop watch on my stand. I posted the lesson plan on the board. I explained that if we finished the entire...See More
Sep 30, 2014

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