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I have been teaching 30 years and have never ever ran into a problem like this one. I have 22 students in Mixed Chorus. This is a non-audition class. Out of the 22 students, 19 are failing at least 3 of their core subject classes plus mine. They don't want to sing, I have given them paper work, they wont do that either. All they want to do is sit and talk. All the principal does is put them in ISS for one day and then they are out. I have made phone calls home and most of the parents say that they can't do anything about it. I try to get them to sing, but they just won't. I've never ever had a class that has refused to sing like this one. Maybe one or two students, but not the entire class. I have almost made it a music appreciation class and we vary the projects they do and then sing sometime ( but they refuse) I try to sight read with them but to no use. Any suggestions? Now the principal want to know whey they didn't do a Concert at Christmas time. Since they won't sing how can I ge...See More
How are they placed into this class? It makes no sense to have a "chorus" of people who won't sing.

Is chorus the default for anyone who is not in an instrumental program? If so, lobby HARD to have it be a general music class. Chorus should be for people who want to sing.

On 2/03/17, Gary wrote: > I have been teaching 30 years and have never ever ran int...See More
Feb 3, 2017
Mrs H I don't know what your relationship with your administrator is, but you might schedule a meeting with him/her. Talk about the strategies you have tried to engage the students, and talk about what has worked (even if it's just a tiny bit) and what hasn't. Then present a plan regarding a general music curriculum. Include the standards you would cover...See More
Feb 7, 2017
Gary On 2/07/17, Mrs H wrote:
> I don't know what your relationship with your
> administrator is, but you might schedule a meeting with
> him/her. Talk about the strategies you have tried to
> engage the students, and talk about what has worked (even
> if it's just a tiny bit) and what hasn't. Then present a
> plan r...See More
yesterday, 2017

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