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My daughter's high school is requiring that swimming
instruction be a part of the school year program. My
daughter has had some recurrent ear infections and, because
she is black and her hair is processed, does not want to
participate in the two week unit. I asked if she could be
excused from this part of the PE instruction (perhaps take
another module during this timeframe) , but was told that
she cannot. Other high schools in my areas do NOT have any
swimming requirement-some don't even have swimming pools,
so I'm assuming it is NOT mandated by NYS. Am I right to
think that I should be able to have my request granted?
Get a doctor's note about her ears /blockquote>

And if the school doesn't help you out, take the note to the
district office.

If it were just a matter of her hair, she could wear a swim
cap. Honestly, it's a good idea for all children to know how
to survive in water, in case of emergency. But if you're
worried about aggravating her ear infections, a ...See More
Feb 13, 2008

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