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Help! This is my first year doing kindergarten and preschool PE. I need to come up with 6 field day stations for the kids. Any ideas?
ishtar whitney On 5/26/08, Kinder wrote: > Help! This is my first year doing kindergarten and > preschool PE. I need to come up with 6 field day stations > for the kids. Any ideas? I recommend to you P.E. Central.
May 27, 2008
PAT On 5/26/08, Kinder wrote: > Help! This is my first year doing kindergarten and > preschool PE. I need to come up with 6 field day stations > for the kids. Any ideas?

I would go with a tug of war station, 30 yeard dash, parachute, scooters, water relay race, and a sack race.
May 30, 2008

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