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I'm student teaching in PE in Texas and it is very hot-- when class is over I'm drenched with sweat. Then I have class and I hate going stinking like sweat, but there is no shower for the gym teachers. The coach who teaches the class says just use the shower for the students, which is a large comminuty deal. I did that yesterday and no one seemed to notice, since I'm not much older than the students anyway. But then an advisor said maybe it wasn't a good idea. Not sure myself?
cjode I advise against showering in a student area. It places you in a very vulnerable position. Sorry to say but sometimes accusations fly and things can turn ugly. I have seen the effects of students accusing teachers/coaches of inappropriate behavior of several innocent colleagues through the years. Pack a bag and take a sponge bath in the teacher's l...See More
Sep 2, 2008
Jennifer Thanks. When I did use the community student shower the past few days, no one seemed to think anything, maybe because school just started and everyone thinks I am a new student or someone they don't know. It is so hot here there were about 25 other students showering and everyone was just trying to cool off. You're probably right though, it's hard ...See More
Sep 3, 2008
Sassy Very bad idea. I wouldn't do it. Wet ones, deodorant for all areas should help. Definately, don't put yourself in any situation that could ever be questioned.

On 9/03/08, Jennifer wrote: > Thanks. When I did use the community student shower the past > few days, no one seemed to think anything, maybe because school > just started a...See More
Sep 3, 2008
Elisa Not sure I there is really a problem here. I work out at a Y with a a large community shower used by members age 15 and up. I've never heard of an accusation arising out of taking a shower in the only facility provided. especially where it all out in the open so to speak. Besides, with this student teacher's age, I doubt in the shower there's more ...See More
Sep 22, 2008
mac On 9/22/08, Elisa wrote: > > Not sure I there is really a problem here. I work out at a Y with a > a large community shower used by members age 15 and up. I've never > heard of an accusation arising out of taking a shower in the only > facility provided. especially where it all out in the open so to > speak. Besides, with this stu...See More
Oct 23, 2008

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