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I need help fellow P.E. teachers. I have been teaching P.E. for three years and in so doing have taught the normal sports and games that I remember learning about in P.E. (basketball, football, soccer, etc). This year I am planning to incorporate more of a Fitness for Life theme, including teaching anatomy, nutrition, and wellness. The problem is that I am having a hard time coming up with meaningful lessons and my school lacks the resources to help with this. Does anyone have ideas or resources that you could share? Thank you!!
Dick Moss On 9/21/08, Brianna wrote: > I need help fellow P.E. teachers. I have been teaching > P.E. for three years and in so doing have taught the > normal sports and games that I remember learning about in > P.E. (basketball, football, soccer, etc). This year I am > planning to incorporate more of a Fitness for Life theme, > including te...See More
Sep 25, 2008
Lori On 9/21/08, Brianna wrote: > I need help fellow P.E. teachers. I have been teaching > P.E. for three years and in so doing have taught the > normal sports and games that I remember learning about in > P.E. (basketball, football, soccer, etc). This year I am > planning to incorporate more of a Fitness for Life theme, > including te...See More
Nov 5, 2008

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