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Hello, fellow high school teachers!

I was curious. I found out yesterday that the high schools in the school district where I work require students to have 40 credits of P.E. (10 credits = 1 year course). Is that common?

When I was in high school and when my siblings attended school in the area, we only were required to take 2 years of P.E. to graduate from high school.

Does this sound like too much?

Thanks in advance,

Daniel Hanson High School Spanish Instructor Atwater, California, USA
sassycagirl Are you kidding? With obesity rates the way they are today these children should be required to have PE every year for the full year k-12 with no exceptions!!! Studies are showing that today's children are not expected to outlive their parents and that elementary school children have the arteries of middle-aged people!!! It is not too much. It is n...See More
Nov 20, 2008
Kay On 10/28/08, Daniel Hanson wrote: > Hello, fellow high school teachers! > > I was curious. I found out yesterday that the high schools > in the school district where I work require students to > have 40 credits of P.E. (10 credits = 1 year course). Is > that common? > > When I was in high school and when my siblings attended...See More
Nov 20, 2008

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