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I was wondering what types of tests/drills you have your junior high or middle school students do in order to help determine basketball teams. I realize scrimmaging will give the coaches the best indication of a players ability to play but what about other types of test/drills? I usually run some dribbling, speed, and shooting drills. Are there some other great tests/drills that I should consider?

My district does not cut players so everyone gets to play on a team. The top teams are ability grouped and then the other teams are balanced out.

I truly appreciate any help that you can provide.
cjode It sounds like you are on the right track......dribbling, speed and shooting drills. Maybe how many times they can accurately pass and catch to a wall or partner. Keep record of your try outs.....some parents will question why their kid made the C team and you can pull out documentation. Remember that ms students are growing/changing rapidly and so...See More
Jul 22, 2009

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