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For the first time in YEARS my school is offering an Athletic PE period. (this will be my second year at this school) The school is REALLY strict on computer use, NO video streaming allowed.

I have found many great websites with demonstrations for the strength and speed training. Can't use them......only after I send the weblink to the tech guy and he can make a dvd for me....but this will be at a much later time as they are bogged down getting all the teacher computers and systems running.

So, I searched for videos on these trainings but don't really know what is inside. My request is for suggestions that show student athletes demonstrating hang clean, hang snatch, push press, back squats, etc.

My students have NOT lifted weights in a very long time, if ever. I am in great shape and probably COULD demonstrate, but I am in my 50s now and don't feel I could demonstrate as effectively as a DVD with athletes demonstrating. This is my 28th year of coaching and ...See More

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