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Critics of Obama kept telling us he was having his "Katrina moment." First the BP oil spill was Obama's Katrina. Then ebola was Obama's Katrina. The it was superstorm Sandy that was Obama's Katrina.

Swine Flu, the Great Recession, unemployment. Haiti (a foreign country!). Dad jeans.

The only problem is, Obama's administration handled each crisis with quiet competence. His critics tried, but the meme just never caught on.

Boy it didn't take long for things to fall apart under Trump. To be fair, he was slammed with two major hurricanes at once, during a time when he was pushing an ambitious legislative agenda (in spite of his insistence "healthcare will be 'so easy'").

You can properly decry Trump's pure ineptitude. People are tested and even great men fail.

But what is unforgivable is the fixation Trump has had on what people playing a stupid game do when a song is played.

A president's "Katrina moment" is when they bungle a le...See More
T.E.C. - Iowa To be fair, and not to defend Pres. Trump, Obama's handling of the BP oil spill was criminal. I am referring to allowing the use of Corexit 9500 and 9527 to disperse the oil. This made the environmental disaster worse for more reasons than just the toxicity of Corexit.

The reason you think Obama did just fine is Obama was doing what the co...See More
Sep 28, 2017

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