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"Intelligence officials have concluded that a campaign authorized by the *highest levels of the Russian government* hacked into state election-board systems and the email networks of political organizations to damage the candidacy of Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton."

The question now is if the current administration is capable of defending our democracy from Russian interference.

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T.E.C. - Iowa The first linked article talks of the 21 states that Russia supposedly hacked. The biggest point is not what Russia did, but that we have done nothing to protect our pseudo-elections. The blame is not Russia's! It is our's!

Even then, if you go to the article, "States Accuse DHS Of Giving Them Bad Information About Russian Hacking", you fi...See More
Oct 11, 2017
Chalky TEC stated: "The biggest point is not what Russia did, but that we have done nothing to protect our pseudo-elections. The blame is not Russia's! It is our's!"

I disagree that Russia is not to blame.

Would you blame yourself if someone broke into your home or stole your car?
Oct 11, 2017
T.E.C. - Iowa Chalky is living in a fantasyland with the analogy about the home and car. I also wrote that "every country messes in other countries elections - if they can" and have an interest, which most do!

Now messing in other people's election may not be nice, but it is a fact of life. Regarding the stolen car, what we did was park the car in a bad...See More
Oct 12, 2017
Chalky Kaspersky software was promoted by FaceBook Security in 2015.

Tangled web, indeed.

Oct 14, 2017

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