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T.E.C. - Iowa So you agree with Nikki Haley's statement "When a country can come interfere in another country's elections, that is warfare."

Then America has been waging war on numerous other countries for over a century. Now, when some Americans "think" someone did to them what they have been doing to others over and over, they go ballistic.

Y...See More
Oct 20, 2017
Chalky Yes, TEC.

I agree.
Oct 20, 2017
T.E.C. - Iowa Then if Russia is bad, American is something far worse.
Oct 20, 2017
Chalky Possibly true. But it's doesn't negate the fact that we should defend our country from interference from Russia or any other country who wants to undermine our system.
Oct 21, 2017
T.E.C. - Iowa I find it funny that you persist! You persist when you know you, as an American, are, in fact, "the pot calling the kettle, black!" Worse, the Russians, whatever they may have done or not done, are small potatoes compared to Citizens United, gerrymandering, caging, electronic voting machines, voter suppression laws and more - which you seem to igno...See More
Oct 22, 2017

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