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"Family values", anti-LGBT, anti-abortion candidates and representatives who don't apply those principles to their daily lives. They have no moral compass.

Yet, they insist on making laws that control the lifestyle choices of their constituents.

Chalky "On a fall evening two years ago, donors gathered during a conference at a Ritz-Carlton hotel near Washington to raise funds for a 31-year-old candidate for the Ohio legislature who was a rising star in evangelical politics.

Hours later, upstairs in a hotel guest room, an 18-year-old college student who had come to the event with his pare...See More
Nov 18, 2017
Tim Finnegan I'm going to bet that it's as many times as we have seen a true blue democrat come out against sexual assault yet have assaulted someone. Or as many times as democrats claim to want single-payer healthcare, yet won't vote for it. Or as many times as the lot on one side has called the kettle on the other side black (hope that dems don't think that's...See More
Nov 20, 2017
Karen C The problem with this guy, Wesley Goodman, is that he is a total and complete hypocrite. Republicans either just don't get it, or they don't care if the guy is a hypocrite as long as he votes to screw the poor over.
Nov 28, 2017
Tim Finnegan So are you saying that only Republican are hypocrites? Read Steinem's defense of Bill. Look at how Pelosi handled the icon Conyers. Look at the groper, Franken. There is plenty of hypocrisy on both sides to go around.

Then again, there are some who are all about the D or the R. And you sound like you are one of those.
Nov 30, 2017

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