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...and how they feel emboldened by Donald Trump.

"Anglin and his ilk like to talk about the Overton Window, a term that describes the range of acceptable discourse in society. They'd been tugging at that window for years only to watch, with surprise and delight, as it flew wide open during Donald Trump's candidacy. Suddenly it was okay to talk about banning Muslims or to cast Mexican immigrants as criminals and parasites—which meant Anglin's even-more-extreme views weren't as far outside the mainstream as they once had been. Anglin is the alt-right's most accomplished propagandist, and his writing taps into some of the same anxieties and resentments that helped carry Trump to the presidency—chiefly a perceived loss of status among white men."


"This is Trump's America now."


"Anglin wrote about his longing for a race war and urged his readers to prepare for combat against nebulous forces unleashed by Jews, blacks, Muslims, Hispanic...See More

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