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Will the Democrats shut down the government? Now, you may claim that the Republicans "control" both houses of congress. If that were really true, the 50 votes in the Senate would be enough to pass the anti-shutdown bill.

Appearing on the ABC News program "This Week," Schumer said, "basically, it's sort of like this: someone goes into your house, takes your wife and children hostage and then says, let's negotiate over the price of your house. You know, we could do the same thing on immigration. We believe strongly in immigration reform. We could say, 'We're shutting down the government, we're not gonna raise the debt ceiling, until you pass immigration reform.' It would be governmental chaos."

Apparently it's okay to say we're shutting down the government until you pass immigration reform when you're the party on the outs. Which is it, Chucky?

I think that this person was spot on with his take... "The basic line is: No matter how strongly one feels about an i...See More
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Tim Finnegan The only reason it needs 61 votes is because the legislative arsonists on the left, led by Schumer, are filibustering... they could have easily voted for cloture on the CR and allowed a simple up or down vote.

Again, I wish someone would explain to me which part of the bill Democrats are against. Instead, because of this shutdown, people a...See More
Jan 20, 2018
Tim Finnegan The only reason it needs 61 votes is because the legislative arsonists on the left, led by Schumer, are filibustering... they could have easily voted for cloture on the CR and allowed a simple up or down vote.

Again, I wish someone would explain to me which part of the bill Democrats are against. Instead, because of this shutdown, people a...See More
Jan 20, 2018
Lulu The only reason we're in this situation is that Trump tanked the bipartisan agreement the Republican and Democratic leadership had worked out after saying he would. What happened to, "I think my positions are going to be what the people in this room come up with. If they come to me with things that I'm not in love with, I'm going to do it, because ...See More
Jan 20, 2018
Tim Finnegan So, again, people cannot tell me what the Democrats are against that is in this funding bill. I can only gather that it is for political posturing and photo ops. Lulu, I may ask you what happened to...

"As we said a thousand times, we are happy to discuss how to fund the government but not with a gun to our head. Open up all of the governm...See More
yesterday, 2018

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