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Curious why the Democrats aren't interested in looking at the five months of missing texts that the FBI just can't seem to find. Nothing to see there. Just run of the mill business. No secret society. No insurance policy.

Curiouser and curiouser. Hopefully the DOJ gets to the bottom of this inexcusable lapse of the FBI and their data collection system.

And why did Strzok think that there was no big there there ... will that harm the Democrats attacks on Trump? Of course, we will see impeachment come when the Democrats take back the House and Senate, as well as a DACA solution, single-payer health care bills, and the electoral college removed. I'm sure when the Democrats have complete control of Congress, those things will happen in the first days of the Pelosi-Schumer Congress. And the missing FBI texts will be pushed under the rug.
Bob R/CA Why are you talking about the dems? The GOP has the exeutive branch and congress. Why don't you ask that guy who recused himself, to release that classified information? Hopefully it will work out better than the Benghazi hearings...
Jan 23, 2018

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