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I love the giant mug at the end...

Tim Finnegan So why would people not choose Burger Queen who did not slow down access to any food?

Are all ISPs required to slow down or speed up access? Or is that a choice? Could some leftist run ISP not provide equal speeds for everybody? And in doing so, win more and more customers? Or would they not be altruistic?
Jan 25, 2018
Bob R/CA Because in the analogy, you can't have Burger Queen in your county,because Burger King has a utility monopoly.
Jan 26, 2018
Long Time Lurker Altruistic? Do you have any examples of a company that puts consumers and employees ahead of or even equal to profits and stock holders?
Jan 27, 2018
Tim Finnegan LTL, yes, I do have an example ... every single company/corporation run by a Democrat. Are you saying that Democrats need laws/executive orders to be altruistic? I know that lots of the left like to claim altruism until it influences the bottom line.

Is "Burger King" the only ISP available? Why doesn't someone else step in? Offer the Big M...See More
Jan 28, 2018
Long Time Lurker I think all corporations need to be governed by laws, or regulations that set minimum standards. No matter the political leanings of those at the top, most corporations will side with their own profits and stock holders before consumers or their employees.

Net neutrality is a consumer issue. Regardless of policy, any congress person who v...See More
Jan 29, 2018

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