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Germany has spent $200 billion over the past two decades to promote cleaner sources of electricity, and in 2017 there were 100 times in which the cost of electricity went negative - that is, the power company pays you to use it!

America is bigger, and to match what Germany has done, we would have to spend $50 billion every year for that same two decades time period.

This is why we are stupid. In 2017, Congress just increased the military budget by $80 billion when Pres. Trump only asked for $54 billion. The military budget is now over $700 billion per year. It is actually well over a trillion as the cost of nuclear weapons and more are not in the military budget.

This country is doomed to be an economic backwater!

T.E.C. - Iowa If we had periods of negative energy cost for electricity here in Iowa I would install a tank - similar to a fuel oil tank - in my basement, fill it with water, and add an electric heating element. In the winter, I would turn on the heater whenever the cost was negative, and then leave the tank to re-radiate the heat into my home - cutting my heati...See More
Feb 6, 2018
Tim Finnegan Amazing how those in Cape Cod reject wind farms because it spoils their view.

I've seen the Facebook post of the small square of land in Utah it would take to power the entire US. Elon Musk presented it. Yet he still has not followed through on that vision.

Surprising that strong democrats don't put their money where their mouth i...See More
Feb 6, 2018
Long Time Lurker I think we don't have nice things because a large segment of Americans ignore what happens legislatively. Those who take an interest are too busy sucking up partisanship to realize the actual elected officials are supposed to work on legislation before catering to party lines and lobbyists. The technology is there. If we had a congress with enough ...See More
Feb 7, 2018
T.E.C. - Iowa About that square in Utah, energy expert Avery Lovins has a bar graph of the solar energy that falls on the roof and south side of the average home. A second bar on the graph, much smaller, shows the energy needed to run the home. Lovin has presented this information to rooms full of engineers and asked them to raise their hand if they cannot see t...See More
Feb 8, 2018
Tim Finnegan LTL, you are right... look at the congressional approval ratings. And then look at the number re-elected. Quite the disconnect in numbers. Tim Brady is one of the most hated men in football... but most fans would love him if he was on their team.

And about that square in Utah... why has Musk, or some other millionaire, billionaire, corpora...See More
Feb 9, 2018

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