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As much as I support a humane solution for the DACA group, I now think the democrats are planning to lose the next election - because their oligarch masters want them to lose. If you want to go to the wall in closing down the government, the Democrats should do it with something that does not enrage the far right - something like the opioid crisis or veterans benefits.

Frankly, the mileage the right has gotten out of demonizing the Democrats on being more interested in illegals than American citizens is astounding. Yet, this is just a stupid tactic. The core of their problem is the Democrats; like the Republicans; do not give a crap about this country as a whole.

In the article below, we find this:


But the Democrats, for the most part, run from these things (expanding Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare, and supporting strong campaign finance laws and affordable college), not on them.

They support social justice issues like immigr...See More

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