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Why did the Democrats not take care of this in the health care plan they decided America wanted and needed? I thought there was affordable health care after Obamacare ... the "affordable" health care act.

Oh, wait ... the Dems buddies in big pharma got a break. Why such silence from the left about this failure of Obamacare?

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Bob R/CA It seems that you are arguing Congress should do something about prescription drug costs. Welcome to the Democrats' side....
Feb 14, 2018
Tim Finnegan Bob,

You claim that is the democrats side to do something about prescription drug costs. What in Obamacare, their chosen plan, helped this problem? They had complete control of both legislative and executive branches and did nothing about it.

Then again, the democrats love to talk... not so big on action.
Feb 14, 2018
Bob R/CA You just referenced Obamacare - the biggest medical reform in US history, then in the next sentence, say the Democrats are all talk and no action.

The Democrats didn't cure cancer when they had the White House and Congress either. Does that mean they wouldn''t if they could?

You're bringing up an issue that needs addressing, then ...See More
Feb 15, 2018
Oswaldo Jonathan This is so sad. RIP
Feb 15, 2018
Oswaldo Jonathan She became an angel in heaven now. :(
Feb 15, 2018

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