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Some on this board have posted that Mueller hasn't presented any public evidence of Russian interference in the 2016 election. This is just the beginning.


"This information warfare campaign was SO. WELL. ORGANIZED. Part of me is like, "Yo, this is great digital marketing." The other part is like, "THIS IS HORRIBLE AND HOW CAN YOU TRUST ANYTHING ANYMORE??!"
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T.E.C. - Iowa Like duh! Yes, it is about how much money was spent! So far the number is $150,000 compared to the near 1.8 billion between the two campaigns. The idea that this sum can swing the campaign is to imply that the Russian tech people are geniuses and the tech people working for both the Clinton and Trump campaigns are the biggest fracking idiots on the...See More
Feb 19, 2018
Chalky Classic case of whataboutism.

What about......citizen's united.

What about....gerrymandering

What about.....the oligarchs.

You getting your talking points form RT?
Feb 20, 2018
T.E.C. - Iowa This is not any "whataboutism!" I am pointing out that this country has a large cancer on its election system. and, in the meanwhile, you are all upset about some small zit on your nose.

The topic with Russia is the viability of the US election system - that is, does the election system reflect the desires of the people who are voting. Fro...See More
yesterday, 2018
Chalky Rex

"Vice President Pence on Tuesday affirmed the U.S. intelligence community's assessment that Russia sought to influence the 2016 election, stating firmly what President Trump has been reluctant to say.

"While other nations certainly possessed the capability, the fact is Russia meddled in our 2016 elections," Pence said, speakin...See More
Jul 31, 2018

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