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I have a student who is new to the "Learning Experience" (he is 4) having spent his years with an older,somewhat lax,caretaker.He does not share ,claiming the toys are "Mine",will bite on occasion and I cannot give the kid metal paper scissors because they pose a danger to The Kid and to others.(Result:the plastic ones that don't cut). The child will make loud noises out of turn,will run and will try to eat non food items ,however The Child WILL give me eye contact when I insist upon it,and responds to being removed from the class when something exciting is going on that The Child has chosen not to be a "contributing member of the class"in order to stay.(I.e.:screaming,running).I spend so much time saying,"This are your hands and they belong in front of you" or holding The Child's hand so he doesn't run into traffic.My other teacher is ridiculous,preferring to send me emails with articles on pica and autism (I've already mentioned this one suggesting the parents have him take a blood t...See More

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