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hey guys, I am looking for new ideas for circle time. We usually count, sing days of the week songs, weather song, a fingerplay, and sometimes read a short book; our circle time lasts about 25 min., one of the kids is avoiding circle time and always has a behavior when we start, and we need new ideas to keep him engaged. What do you guys do? Is your circle time always the same? thanks
Leah One idea is to have the children act out the story you just read. Or, have them do simple role plays like sharing, helping a child who fell down or dropped his/her lunch tray. See the sample pages from the Kelly Bear Behavior book for ideas
May 25, 2012
Preschool teacher My last class consisted of 10 3-4 year old boys,so circle time had to be broken up in 10 minute or so increments or utter chaos would ensue! Other than the weather,days of the week,greetings,etc., one thing they really enjoyed is a "What is it?" box. I decorated a medium sized box with glitter,paper,etc. and put something topical into it. I then ga...See More
Jun 3, 2012

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