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We had a child study regarding one main problem kid in my room (2nd grade). He interrupts, is disrepectful of the other kids and myself, constantly seeks negative attention even when I try to give him positive attention, and sometimes gets very angry and shoves desks or pushing things off his desk.

The child study team (grandma, counselor, sped teacher) thought we should make a behavior plan for him where he gets to earn a tangible reward. I am not up for this because my other well-behaved students in my class have not earned this type of a reward (I don't usually do these types). The team feels he needs to see his reward and that will help him. I feel he needs counseling to deal with his fits of anger.

What do u think?
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Gracie On 3/19/09, MLD wrote: > We had a child study regarding one main problem kid in my > room (2nd grade). He interrupts, is disrepectful of the > other kids and myself, constantly seeks negative attention > even when I try to give him positive attention, and > sometimes gets very angry and shoves desks or pushing > things off his des...See More
Mar 19, 2009
girl in gulfport It sounds to me like he needs both. Often we assume a one size fits all approach. But a child with special needs is just that--they need something special. My son has bipolar disorder and ODD. He needs immediate, tangible rewards. He is currently in a long term care facility and he earns points for daily behavior. His points put him on different tr...See More
Mar 20, 2009
Jody Asking a student to be helpful is a good idea. But, as the OP said, the counseling outside school is a must, but you have no control over that. You can only control what happens inside school. The behavior plan is a good idea for in school. But, if the child truly has a disability, without professional intervention, most of those things won't solve...See More
Mar 20, 2009
TeachinNC I have one just like this in my room in first grade.

I have a 3-sided pillow and I give him time-out away from the calendar when he is out of control.

Also--keeping him in a good mood and lots of praise and positive reinforcement when he does a good job help, but sometimes this is impossible because I do have to be strict with h...See More
Mar 21, 2009
paula I have had children on "contract" a few times, it isn't my favorite way to deal with issues, but some need a constant reminder.

My contract (second grade) is divided into 3 different parts of the day to start. Before, after recess, after lunch.

This might seem like micro management, but if you are considering a contract the child ...See More
Mar 21, 2009

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