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I'm a new teacher (2nd grade). I've worked hard on my classroom management, but all of a sudden I have a few students who are showing lots of behaviors. I feel like I was snapping at them all day.

We were outside at recess. Nearly the whole school is outside at the same time, so it gets hectic. I have rules about where the kids can and can't go. They also know to come as soon as they hear the whistle.

I blew my whistle and counted the kids. I was missing two children. Then I saw them running to a section they weren't supposed to be in. I blew the whistle and called their name. They stopped, but did not come. I blew the whistle again - this time impatient because the rest of my class was waiting (it was time for lunch). Finally, I blew my whistle and yelled one of their names. I yelled so loud and really angrily. Then I had to go get them.

I saw a couple of the other teachers who were out, look at each other and then start talking. Is it terrible that I yelle...See More
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Yellow Rose I brought out a red stickie note pad. If someone didn't line up when I blew the whistle, I put their name on the "red list" and they didn't get to play the next day. It worked.
Mar 20, 2009
teach1st Stop right now worrying about what other teachers say or might say. You will drive yourself crazy if you do this all the time. As a first year teacher, you will make mistakes and you are entitled since you are still learning. Veteran teachers should know this and should be supportive not judgmental. I would have helped you fetch those kids which is...See More
Mar 21, 2009
Mary/OH First of all, I wouldn't worry--you didn't do anything that other teachers haven't done--it would be great to teach in Utopia where teachers never have to raise their voices! Seriously, though, some of the other replies indicate that these teachers don't have the kinds of students I've had to deal with--who climb over the fence and go running down ...See More
Mar 21, 2009
Jj Super Great ideas...Kevin and Yellow Rose--RIGHT ON!! I also have them take writing paper and pencil out to 'write me a letter re:their behavior after the last recess' or two days ago, or whenever--they remember their behavior! [I don't fully buy into the 'a consequence must always be immediately following the behavior theory. You and I can remembe...See More
Mar 21, 2009
Andy Wow - thank you for all the great responses and ideas :)

On 3/21/09, Jj wrote: > Super Great ideas...Kevin and Yellow Rose--RIGHT ON!! > I also have them take writing paper and pencil out to 'write me a > letter re:their behavior after the last recess' or two days ago, or > whenever--they remember their behavior! [I don't full...See More
Mar 21, 2009

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