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Our school just switched math programs and will begin using Saxon math this school year. I have been reviewing the teachers manual and wonder...with a script why did I spend oodles of money on a masters degree a monkey can read the what is it like teachers? Do you like it? Do you follow the script? The representative told our principal that it is important to do just as the manual says to do and our students will be successful. So if I don't use the script my students will...what? not learn? Needless to say I am apprehensive and feel that my students were successful previously and I don't necessarily have issue with using a new program and being open to it, I am just a little skeptical. Would love to hear how those in the trenches really feel about it.
certifiedteach I can't say anything about the script, but I used Saxon for 4 years while I homeschooled my own children before returning to teaching in a school, and Saxon is by far the best math curriculum I used. Of course, since then, one of the major publishers purchased Saxon, and now I am not sure if or how they may have changed the curriculum. I now teach ...See More
Jul 24, 2009
Cathy I'm currently using Saxon math and I've used it in the past. The fifth grade has changed dramatically. There is a homework set every night with 30 problems and a practice set. The good news is that several of the problems from the homework set are review for classtime.

The bad news is that all the grades below fifth have a very long introd...See More
Jul 24, 2009
Debbie/CA I love math-saxon. I have used it for 4 years. The thing I like about SAX is that each lesson is short and leads to more diffiult concepts. At my grade level (4 & 5) the homework is an accumulated review, which most other math books do not do.

In traditional books, if you are learning adding, then the entire chapter is on adding. Then...See More
Jul 25, 2009
1stGradeTeach I love Saxon Math, especially for the lower grades. My school uses Saxon through grade 3, then switches to another curriculum. Just as previous posts have said, the review in saxon is everything. Constant review is so important for the young ones, I've found that it helps my students to retain the information better. As far the script goes, I don't...See More
Jul 28, 2009
mch/teacher/2 After 7 years we are switching from Saxon to a new math program. I liked it a lot at first for my 2nd graders, but have found it to be too repetative in many areas. It was good for a small minority of my students that did not have good basic math skills, but for most of my students it was too slow and did not allow enough challenge. I had to supple...See More
Aug 10, 2009

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