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I would like some ideas on how to keep up with grading math papers so that I don't end up spending my evenings, weekends, and holidays at the dining room table playing catch-up on grading while everyone else is visiting.
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Language Arts Can I ask the same question for Language Arts? I teach 124 7th and 8th graders. I have vocabulary, spelling, Daily Oral Language, but it is the Essays that are killing me. How do I get effective feedback on papers in a timely manner, without burning so much of the midnight oil? I hate giving back papers with mistakes (especially spelling and gramma...See More
Nov 14, 2009
4th I do the same as many other posters...I have students grade their own homework in subjects like math and language skills. I want them to know where their mistakes are and to have a chance to understand why they missed something. I generally take grades on things they do in class. Consider giving a homework grade...mine is equivalent to one of their...See More
Nov 15, 2009
English teacher The majority of my comments are for content, focusing especially on whatever we've been working on in class..

I usually mark/circle the first paragraph or so of grammar/spelling mistakes, then just make a note in the margin of the type of errors I see in the paper. ("Some run-on sentences. Be sure all sentences are complete. Check comma us...See More
Nov 17, 2009
wig First of all, teach them to draw a box around the answers, so they are easier to find. Secondly, let them grade their own. Take several minutes at the beginning of class. Have them clear off their desks, give them a colored pen or pencil and go over the answers. Then all you have to do is glance over them. Do not have them exchange papers. Its no o...See More
Dec 1, 2009
Peter Evans Out of necessity I have developed some software to help me grade papers faster. I work at a university with electronic assignments but some of the tools e.g. eMarking Assistant would be relevant at at high school and with paper homework.

You can look at a video demonstration at [link removed]

What other electronic marking tools ...See More
Jan 28, 2010

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