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Hello, I was wondering... I have sent in a resume to a school looking for a Spanish teacher. The school year has already started here, so the need is pretty high. My concern is that it is a Jewish school and I am not Jewish. Do I stand a chance to get hired? The advertisement did not say anything about preferring a certain religion. Also if I get an interview, what can I say to assure them that I am right for the job despite my being "Religiously challenged"?

Thanks for any advice :)
Leah As a protestant, I worked at a Jewish child center with no problem. They probably will not ask you, but if they do, you could say something "My goal is to live a moral life and to treat the religion of others respectfully."

On 8/19/09, Spanish Teacher wrote: > Hello, > I was wondering... I have sent in a resume to a school > look...See More
Aug 20, 2009

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